
Ensuring Quality Solutions for All

Part of OpenAAC's focus is to establish minimum standards of quality, and to do so in an openly-documented manner. We believe that standards can improve technology for AAC users, developers, specialists, and everyone else. Toward that work, we release a set of minimum standards for different aspects of the AAC toolset, and certify annual compliance by participating vendors.

AAC Applications

Finding the right AAC app can be difficult. You want to find something that fits right, and that can take time, and trial and error. You don't want to waste time on a low-quality or unmaintained app. At OpenAAC we work to certify apps to ensure a minimum standard, so people have one less thing to worry about when journeying through the world of AAC.

To certify, AAC apps must meet a baseline of requirements, and they can also certify under specializations for things like robust vocabulary or symbol library, or for accessibility. Below is a list of common AAC applications, highlighting those that have certified in the last 18 months.

Interested in certifying? Review our AAC Application Certification Requirements for more information on requirements and on the review process.

Additional Certifications

We plan to implement additional certifications in the near-term, but are beginning with AAC applications since they provide the most opportunity for an impact of change.