Donate to OpenAAC
Help us continue this important work
As a non-profit organization, OpenAAC's ongoing efforts support a diverse community of AAC users, their support teams, software developers, vendors, and many others. We help raise awareness of AAC and continually craft resources that can help with adoption and creation of high-quality AAC solutions.
We rely on the donations of everyday folks in the AAC community, in addition to organizational sponsors, in order to keep our work effective, strategic and unbiased. Please consider making a donation today to help us continue our work!
Donate Today
A special thank-you to all of the people who contribute their time, energy and resources to help bring awareness to the importance of AAC!
Individual Memberships
OpenAAC regularly creates resources and performs outreach and research to further the field of AAC. With a monthly subscription of $10USD you can help us continue that work by helping us maintain the online services and studies we need to run in order to be effective. We keep a minimal staff so that donations can go toward maintaining the high quality standards we expect of all the materials, programs and services that are part of OpenAAC.
In addition to helping our cause continue forward, members also have access to exclusive high-quality AAC support materials, online assessment and profiling tools, and additional updates on data gathered by the organization.
You can sign up for a monthly subscription today, with a minimum $10USD donation amount, to become an OpenAAC Individual Member!
Organizational Memberhips
We are grateful to the vendors and organizations in the AAC community who help support our ongoing efforts. Their recurring contributions help us stay consistent in our efforts to raise awareness and adoption of AAC around the world.
Organization members receive supporting benefits included with their membership, such as 5 free certifications, annual product reviews, participation and feedback in organizational advisory board meetings, and quarterly updates based on OpenAAC's ongoing research efforts.
If your organization is interested in participating as an ongoing OpenAAC sponsor, please contact us for more information. Membership fees are based on yours or your corporate parent's annual revenue: $2,500USD for >$25M revenue, $1,000USD for $500k-$10M revenue, and $250USD for <$500k revenue.
Additional Donation Opportunities
AAC Certifications - As part of out work we provide certifications based on our standards of quality. These reviews are included for organization members, but others may also make a minimum donation to faciliate their certification review. The donation amount is $200USD for large organizations, $75USD for small organizations (< $500k annual revenue). Non-profit organizations and fully free (no upselling) apps may certify for free.